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Corporate Governance

Continuous Disclosure Policy

ARBN 161 803 032
Continuous Disclosure Policy

The continuous disclosure requirements of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) are contained in
Chapter 3 of the ASX Listing Rules and are adopted by the Company. The Listing Rules and the Australian Corporations Act 2001 require that a listed company disclose to the market matters, which a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of the company’s securities. A reasonable person is taken to expect information to have a material effect on the price or value of
securities if it would, or would be likely to, influence persons, who commonly invest in securities
in deciding whether or not to subscribe for, buy or sell the securities.


The Company’s Continuous Disclosure Policy is designed to promote transparency and investor confidence and ensure that all interested parties have an equal opportunity to obtain information, which is issued by the Company. The Company is committed to complying with the continuous disclosure obligations contained in the listing rules of ASX and under the Australian Corporations Act, and ensuring that all shareholders and the market have an equal opportunity to obtain and review full and timely information about the Company’s securities.


The Company currently has not appointed any executive director. The Board has delegated the function of maintaining the continuous disclosure policy to a designated non-executive director (the “Designated Director”).

It is the Company’s policy for the immediate reporting of any matter that could potentially have a material effect, via established reporting lines to the Company Secretary. The Company Secretary is responsible for monitoring information that could be price sensitive, liaising with the Designated Director and/or the Chairperson to make an initial assessment, and escalating to the Board for disclosure of such information where practicable. The Designated Director monitors daily activity to ascertain what matters should be considered for disclosure and as soon as a matter is appropriate for disclosure the Designated Director must immediately notify the Company Secretary. The Company must not delay in giving this information to ASX.


The Designated Director controls all the Company’s communications with assistance from the Company Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities. The Designated Director and/or Chairperson are the only officers allowed to authorize the release of material information to the market. The Company Secretary is responsible for administering this policy and is responsible for dealing with the ASX in relation to all listing rule issues. The procedures that have been developed to comply with these rules include immediate reporting of any matter that could potentially have a material effect, via established reporting lines to the Designated Director and/or the Company Secretary.

It is also the Company’s policy that price sensitive information will be disclosed, in the first instance, to ASX and disclosures to the market will then be placed on the Company’s website. Material information must not be selectively disclosed (i.e. to analysts, the media or shareholders) prior to being announced to ASX, and all media releases must be referred to the Company Secretary for clearance prior to any release. Material information must not be selectively disclosed (i.e. to analysts, the media or shareholders) prior to being announced to the ASX, and all media releases must be referred to the Designated Director for approval prior to any release.