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Corporate Governance

Code of Conduct

ARBN 161 803 032
Code of Conduct

The Board recognises its responsibility to the Company’s members and employees, the communities
and environments in which it operates and, where appropriate, other stakeholders.


The Board statement on the Code of Conduct is to establish a clear set of values that emphasis culture encompassing strong corporate governance, sound business practices and good ethical conduct.


Employees and Consultants must safeguard the interests of the Company unless they conflict with the duties and loyalties owed to the Australian society and its laws.


Employees and Consultants must perform their duties with the highest levels of honesty and
integrity. They should be professionally competent, committed and objective in their role and be
committed to the objectives of maintaining a fair, orderly and transparent market.


Employees and Consultants must respect the confidentiality of all information acquired in the
course of their work for the Company and not make improper use of or disclose such confidential information without express authorisation or legal requirement. For this purpose confidential information includes inside information as that term is defined in the Australian Corporations Act.


An Employee must not make improper use of the Employee’s duties, status, power or authority in order to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or advantage for the Employee or for any other person.

A Consultant must not make improper use of the Consultant’s duties, status, power or authority in order to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or advantage for the Consultant or for any other person.

An Employee must not use their position, power or authority improperly to influence another Employee or a Consultant in the proper performance of their duties.


A Consultant must not use their position, power or authority improperly to influence another Consultant or an Employee in the proper performance of their duties.


Employees and Consultants m us t maintain the principles of transparency in the performance of their duties with both Internal Parties and External Parties. Transparency will require that information related to the performance of duties is adequately documented to facilitate independent verification.

This statement is reviewed and modified as required.