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Corporate Governance

Shareholder Communication Policy

ARBN 161 803 032

The Company aims to ensure that:

  • Shareholders and stakeholders are well informed of all major developments affecting the state of
    affairs of the Company;
  • It complies with continuous disclosure obligations contained in applicable the ASX Listing Rules
    and the Australian Corporations Act 2001;
  • It communicates effectively with the Company’s shareholders.


To promote effective communication with shareholders and encourage effective participation at general meetings, information is communicated to shareholders through:

  • Release of information to the market via the ASX;
  • Distribution of the annual report, which is available in hardcopy, electronically and online.
  • Distribution of the Notices of Annual General Meeting; 
  • Shareholder meetings and investor relations presentations;
  • Letters and other forms of direct communication to shareholders; and
  • by posting relevant information on the Company’s website.


The Company’s website has sections that carry the following information for shareholders:

  • All market announcements and related information posted immediately after release to the ASX;
  • Details relating to the company directors and corporate directory;
  • Our business; and
  • Corporate governance documents.


The Company encourages full participation of shareholders at General Meetings to ensure a high level of accountability and discussion of the Company’s strategy and goals. The external auditor will attend the
Annual General Meeting and be available to answer shareholder questions about the conduct of the audit and the preparation and content of the auditor’s report. The external auditor will also be allowed a reasonable opportunity to answer written questions submitted by shareholders to the auditor as permitted under the Australian Corporations Act 2001.

Shareholders may send communications to and receive communications from the Company and its Share Registry electronically. The contact email address for the Company and its Share Registry are [email protected] and [email protected] respectively.