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Corporate Governance

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

ARBN 161 803 032

Synertec is committed to being an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer, providing a safe diverse, and respectful working environment, free from all forms of discrimination, bullying and harassment, and ensuring equality and promoting diversity in the workplace.


Discrimination, harassment, and other forms of conduct outlined in this Policy are unlawful under State and Federal laws and may attract personal liability for those engaging in this conduct, and vicarious liability for Synertec.


Conduct in breach of this Policy will not be tolerated, and disciplinary action up to, and including potential termination, may be taken against any employee who breaches this Policy.


The extent that Synertec (including its employees and contractors) operate or conduct activities on the premises of a third-party organisation, this Policy will continue to apply.


Synertec is committed to providing a workplace culture and environment that:

  • is free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and anti-social behaviour, where persons are treated with dignity, courtesy, and respect;
  • implements training and awareness raising strategies to ensure awareness of rights and responsibilities under this Policy;
  • provides an effective procedure for complaints based on the principles of procedural fairness;
  • seeks to treat all complaints in a sensitive, fair, timely and confidential manner;
  • provides protection from victimisation, vilification or reprisals;
  • encourages the reporting of behaviour which reaches this Policy; and 
  • promotes appropriate standards of conduct


The Policy works in conjunction with Synertec’s Workplace Behaviour Policy (POL244). The objective of Synertec’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy is to improve business success by:

  • attracting and retaining the best possible employees;
  • providing a safe, respectful and flexible work environment; and 
  • delivering our services in a safe, respectful and reasonably flexible way

Synertec’s goal is to ensure that employees are treated equally in all employment matters regardless of:

  • race, colour, national or ethnic origin, descent or ancestry, nationality;
  • sex or gender, gender identity, sexual preference, lawful sexual activity, marital status, pregnancy, breastfeeding, status as a parent or carer, and expunged homosexual conviction;
  • religion or political belief or activity, industrial activity;
  • age, physical features, disability (including the use of an assistance aid if applicable), medical record; and 
  • personal association with a person who identified by reference to any of the listed attributes 


Synertec will ensure that fair practice and behaviour in the workplace is achieved through, but is not limited to:

  • recruitment, selection and placements;
  • transfers and promotions;
  • performance reviews;
  • remuneration practices and benefits;
  • training and development opportunities;
  • termination of employment; and 
  • all other conditions of employment.


Equal opportunity policies and programs aim to overcome disadvantages caused by past discrimination so that people are enabled to compete on merit.


Indigenous peoples, women, people who have a disability, or who are from non-English-speaking background have often been unfairly deprived of work opportunities. Special entry requirements or training programs are equal opportunity actions that enable people affected by past discrimination to develop and apply their abilities.


The Managing Director is responsible for the overall Policy implementation, whilst day-to-day operation of the policies is the responsibility of the immediate manager. All managers, supervisors and staff are requested to use ingenuity and effort in applying the principles of equal opportunity to all employees.


Equal opportunity includes, but is not limited to:

  • reviewing all human resources policies and procedures to ensure areas of discrimination are eliminated;
  • monitoring recruitment, selection, promotion and remuneration practices to ensure that discrimination does not exist;
  • actively encouraging suitably qualified and competent females to apply for vacant positions;
  • actively discourage the use of stereotypes, and sexist- or racist behaviour in the organisation
  • actively query areas where qualified or interested people are not included in meetings/discussions/courses or training and development opportunities
  • ensure all internal and external communications, particularly recruitment advertising, reflect principles of equality and do not reinforce stereotyped behaviour or roles for either men or women; and
  • ensure that instances of sexual or other harassment are investigated and dealt with quickly to the satisfaction of the aggrieved party.